Bird of Prey Programme

Bird of Prey Programme

Despite our love for birds and the natural environment, there’s no denying that some species at certain times and in different situations can become a nuisance. Problems can stem from their roosting, feeding and nesting activities, which can damage properties, cause disruption to business activities and become an active health and safety risk – either through aggressive behaviours or due to their waste.

A detailed knowledge of all relevant legislation ensures licences are in place to undertake bird management activities within the scope of UK law. Our expert knowledge means we can provide a wider range of solutions than perhaps our competitors, specialising in non-lethal Bird of Prey Programmes to modify behaviours and encourage birds not to settle at particular sites.

Why use a Bird of Prey Programme as an alternative to other methods of proofing?

Deterring pest birds using the art of falconry is a natural method of bird control as it utilises nature’s instincts. Sometimes bird proofing isn’t an option. A building may be grade listed or the size of the building could make proofing impractical and costly. You may have nuisance birds in a wide open area, such as a landfill or farmland, where proofing is just not a viable bird control solution. 

We provide a natural form of pest control by using our hawks and falcons to disperse pest species such as gulls and feral pigeons. This method is highly effective, environmentally friendly, natural and public friendly as our birds are there to scare and not harm the pest species. The presence of a hawk or falcon quickly makes an area undesirable and unsafe for pest species. 

All of our hawks and falcons are specially trained by ourselves. Our team of birds are trained and accustomed to urban and industrial environments, and our falconers are experienced at disturbance techniques. Our birds can be used in urban areas and locations where bird proofing, such as spikes and netting, has not worked or is not a viable option - areas such as: hospitals, housing developments, offices, industrial estates, universities, schools, sports centres, stadiums, golf courses, airports, railway stations and landfill sites.

Our bird control technicians will be able to determine whether our Bird of Prey Programme will be an effective recommendation for your site when we complete a site survey. We can provide bird control services for all kinds of areas including domestic, agricultural and industrial units. 

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